Daido Moriyama

Daido Moriyama (born 1938) is one of Japan's most important photographers. In the late 1960s, he was associated with Provoke: a short-lived but influential photography magazine that gave a platform to experimental photography and photo theory and radically challenged all conventions of traditional photography. With his often grainy and blurred, uniquely dynamic style, Moriyama ushered in a new era of photography. The concept of "equivalence" takes a central role in his work: His photographs do not seek to represent a subject or a coherent context, but exist for their own sake, as pure images. Moriyama photographs quickly and constantly, capturing "real" scenes as well as television images, posters and photographs, always following his intuition. The soon to be 80-year-old photographer is very active and challenges photography as an artistic medium every day - always striving to take as many pictures as possible during his lifetime.