Foto Colectania presents a collective exhibition that brings together more than 20 artists, both established and emerging, whose works spin around the bidirectional control that relapses on the face: on the one hand, that which each person exercises over the way he wants his face to be perceived, and on the other, the way the forces of power try to exert over our identity.
Curated by Urs Stahel, the exhibition proposes a critical and provocative reflection on the social, political and cultural consequences derived from this control.
The exhibition brings together different approaches to the subject, from the work of renowned artists such as Diane Arbus, Thomas Ruff or Richard Hamilton, to the new creative practices resulting from the intersection with new technologies, such as those of Trevor Paglen, The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin or Shu Lea Cheang, through those of emerging artists, and proposals taken directly from the internet and social networks.