La photographie à tout prix. Une année de prix photographiques à la BnF

For the fourth year running, the BnF is presenting a selection of prints by the winners of these partner prizes, in an exhibition that is an annual rendezvous for photography enthusiasts, offering an opportunity to immerse oneself in the effervescence of contemporary photographic creation.
The Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) is demonstrating its commitment to photographers, printers and publishers through its support for the major photographic prizes, which play an important role in shaping creativity in this artistic field: the Niépce prize, the Nadar prize, the Bourse du Talent and the Camera Clara prize.
The Bourse du Talent:
The Bourse du Talent, created in 1998, has brought to light many photographers who take a unique look at our society and invite us to see it differently. Initiated at by Didier de Faÿs, with the support of the Picto Foundation, which produces the prints of the winners, the Bourse du Talent is a source of emerging talent, regardless of age, nationality or background. Thanks to the generosity of the photographers and the Picto laboratory, a set of their prints has joined the BnF collections. Several hundred photographs have thus become part of France's national heritage, testifying to the vibrancy of the contemporary photography scene. Since 2023, the Bourse du Talent has focused on the new documentary styles used to tell the story of our world, and has awarded prizes to three photographers.
The winners of the 2024 Bourse du Talent are Karla Hiraldo Voleau, Hassan Kurbanbaev and Guillaume Holzer.
A Franco-Dominican artist who combines photography, writing and performance, Karla Hiraldo Voleau works mainly on identity and gender roles, but also tackles political issues. The ‘Doble moral’ project aims to give a voice to the women of the Dominican Republic through their stories of clandestine abortion, accompanied by powerful and supportive photographic portraits.
Guillaume Holzer's photographs, taken in the Komodo archipelago, are an ode to nomadism and a reflection on freedom, identity and the profound relationship between man and the sea. They are the result of eight years of life and commitment to the nomadic communities of the seas in Indonesia, as well as a professional activity in an NGO.
A freelance photographer living in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Hassan Kurbanbaev has travelled his country for several years, photographing local communities and landscapes. He studies issues of representation and cultural identity, seeking to express his own voice in the context of contemporary art in Central Asia and to bring his country to an international audience.
Curated by Héloïse Conésa, Head of the Photography Department, in charge of contemporary photography in the Department of Prints and Photography, BnF
Exhibition co-organised with Gens d'images, Picto Foundation, Fondation Grésigny
With the support of Fondation de France, Fondation Louis Roederer, Fisheye, Fnac, Lumière Ilford, Pixtrakk, SAIF, copie privée, Mbp
In partnership with ADAGP, Dupon, l'Escourbiac l'imprimeur, Musée Nicéphore Niépce, Galerie Dityvon-université d'Angers