„Urban Spirit connotes a commitment to an open mind, promises of cultural diversity and opportunities for optimal individual/collective development in urban areas. Each city is distinguished by its unique character and its very own flair. Cities are able to influence our identity, not least by means of the architecture generated through their histories. People may be proud of their cities or in a love-hate relationship with them, but nonetheless still attracted to urban lifestyles. As diverse as the city appears to its inhabitants, so are the impressions it leaves behind.‘

– Dominique von Burg

The group exhibition «Urban Spirit» features the art of Stephen Gill, Will Steacy, Beat Streuli, Sascha Weidner and Michael Wolf. These artists study the «location» and the «human» in different ways. Depending on the degree of presence or absence of «places» or «humans» in their photographs, they create a suspense which stimulates the viewer to narrate his or her own story. Although the works offer suggestions, these stories are ultimately created in the viewer's imagination based on his or her own cultural and social background.