This sense of wonder
'I work on a multimedia installation called ‘This sense of wonder’. Designed as a great happening it will not only arouse the viewers’ curiosity but also their participation. [...] No camera can catch the ephemeral instant between life and death, but it can capture the time before and after it, the time of withering and decay. My installation gives the viewers an understanding of their own transiency and leads them into the wonders of deaths and its remains. Prints, projections, sculptures and many different lighting-and-view-devices elicit an uneasy pleasure that merges awe and dread, incredulity or even revulsion. We dive into a modern yet baroque universe. […] In my site-specific installation the viewer walks around slide projectors, light boxes, light desks, self- designed luminaries, slide viewing kits, and last but not least photographic prints. I focus on experimenting with the setting and staging of photographic images. My imagery reflects the media’s history and its function. Photography seems to snatch moments of time from mortality. But the captured moments are no more than representations of the past lingering on the beauty of decay. They are ephemeral like the electronic light that fuels the projectors: As soon as the power supply is cut off, the images fade into darkness without leaving a trace.' – Brigitte Lustenberger