Dominique Teufen & Nuno Andre: Lauréats 2019 Prix HSBC pour la Photographie

Dominique Teufen & Nuno Andre: Lauréats 2019 Prix HSBC pour la Photographie – Christophe Guye Galerie

The Galerie Voies Off welcomes the winners of the HSBC Prize for Photography. This year Stefano Stoll, Artistic Advisor 2019, proposed 12 photographers to the members of the Executive Committee and comments on his choices:

"The series selected in this selection show that although traditional genres are not dead, they are evolving, inspiring each other and refining their specificities, in an almost Darwinian dynamic where it sometimes seems that it is a question of their survival. They testify that to tell the story of the complexity of our world, more than ever "an image is worth a thousand words"."

From this selection, the members of the Executive Committee chose two winners, the Swiss photographer Dominique Teufen and the Portuguese photographer Nuno Andrade.

On 4 July 2019 the official opening of the exhibition will take place at Voie Off Gallery from 6 to 9.30 pm.