Walking in the Wild – By Bob van Orsouw and Christophe Guye


An exceptional exhibition featuring the personal collection of two esteemed Swiss gallerists, Bob van Orsouw and Christophe Guye. This curated collection is a testament to the convergence of artistic brilliance and cultural significance. It showcases the works of visionary artists whose creations transcend boundaries, redefine norms, and challenge perceptions.

This unrivalled exhibition shows more than 60 evocative works of Jun Ahn, Haluk Akakçe, Miles Aldridge, Nobuyoshi Araki, Mike Brodie, Valentin Carron, Cortis & Sonderegger, Dieter Detzner, Dr. Lakra, Armen Eloyan, Nik Emch, Sylvie Fleury, Robert Frank, Stephen Gill, Fabrice Gygi, Herbert Hamak, Keith Haring, Ren Hang, Yoshifumi Hayashi, Klaas Kloosterboer, Kosuke, Edward Lipski, Pierre Molinier, Yoshitomo Nara, Ernesto Neto, Walter Pfeiffer, Lina Scheynius, Lieko Shiga, Martin Schlotz, Hannah van Bart, Atelier van Lieshout, S.Y. Yoneda, Albert Watson, Karlheinz Weinberger, and many more illustrious talents from around the world.

Each of these artists, with their unique styles and perspectives, intertwines with one another, forming a rich tapestry of creativity and innovation. Their works dialogue, complement, and sometimes challenge each other, creating a dynamic and immersive experience for art enthusiasts and collectors alike.

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