Overlooking the town of Monthey, the Torma park is to be laid bare in 2013, a mixed space with a horticultural vocation with the municipal greenhouses, conducive to relaxation combined with artistic discovery. The park was designed by the Montheysans architects Bonnard and Wœffray, in collaboration with Emmanuelle Bonnemaison, a landscape architect.

The site, managed jointly by the "Culture, Tourism & Twinning" and "Infrastructures, Mobility & Environment" departments, wishes to promote contemporary art through visual art exhibitions.

Invited by the curator, Julia Hountou, the Zurich photographer Brigitte Lustenberger is currently exhibiting forty pictures. Her sublime images resonate subtly with the singular history of the place. Thus, through her images, the artist visually poses the question as to what in the intensity of a moment holds life and death in one breath. She does not hesitate to juxtapose these two processes, these two opposing spaces-time: decomposition (faded flowers, dry foliage) and rebirth, evoked notably in the portrait of a pregnant woman or the peaceful image of a newborn baby.